Jerry Esquivel Jerry Esquivel

12-11-2014 10:32 PM

12-11-2014 10:32 PM

Run 400m : 4x 400 m, rest 3 mins Run 400m : 4x 400 m, rest 3 mins

Intervals : rest 3 mins
Run, 400 m | 1:15.9
Run, 400 m | 1:26.12
Run, 400 m | 1:23.710000000000015
Run, 400 m | 1:23.44

Intervals : rest 3 mins
Run, 400 m | 1:15.9
Run, 400 m | 1:26.12
Run, 400 m | 1:23.710000000000015
Run, 400 m | 1:23.44


5 mins 29.17 secs | Rx'd


5 mins 29.17 secs | Rx'd


I had a few goals today. sprint at about 70-75%. try and keep every run under 1.30 but the biggest thing was just getting out on the track again without getting hurt. Of course I went out too hard on first run but probably compensated too much on 2nd. pushed a little harder on last 2. I have to stay consistent and get out to the track at least once a week for now.


I had a few goals today. sprint at about 70-75%. try and keep every run under 1.30 but the biggest thing was just getting out on the track again without getting hurt. Of course I went out too hard on first run but probably compensated too much on 2nd. pushed a little harder on last 2. I have to stay consistent and get out to the track at least once a week for now.




WOD Count




Avg Power Output

238.8 (ft*lbs)/sec

Training Days

177 (2024)




WOD Count




Avg Power Output

238.8 (ft*lbs)/sec

Training Days

177 (2024)



Movement Progress

Movement Progress

Milestone 250,000


239,811 Meters (+1,600)

History (1)

History (1)


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